• 2 years ago
Overnight in the World's Most Dangerous Bed!


00:00 - In the next 24 hours, I will attempt to survive
00:01 in the world's most dangerous bed.
00:03 This bed has a maximum height of 100 feet.
00:05 A mystery YouTuber will be giving me challenges
00:07 throughout the day.
00:08 The more challenges I fail, the higher my bed gets.
00:10 Wish me luck.
00:11 - All right, Ben, it's bedtime.
00:12 - It's still light outside.
00:13 - It doesn't matter!
00:14 - I don't wanna go to sleep!
00:15 - Get in there!
00:16 - I don't wanna go to sleep!
00:17 - Get out there!
00:17 - Ben, we're starting you at 15 feet.
00:20 - Oh my God!
00:21 - Yeah!
00:24 - Bye, Ben, we'll see you later!
00:26 - I'd rather sleep in my own bed, not up here.
00:27 - I know he's only 15 feet in the air,
00:29 but our goal is for Ben to be all the way in the sky
00:31 by the end of this video.
00:32 - What's up, guys?
00:33 It's FaZe Rug, and I'm gonna be controlling
00:36 these challenges.
00:37 - What?
00:38 No, no, no, no, no!
00:39 - I have an insane list of challenges
00:40 that are either gonna get your bed lowered or raised.
00:42 - Ooh, I like the sound of that.
00:44 - I don't like the sound of that at all!
00:46 - After the last challenge, you must stay overnight
00:48 at whatever height you're at.
00:49 So if you don't wanna be in the clouds,
00:51 you better win some challenges.
00:52 - All right, we're gonna look at the first challenge
00:54 that FaZe Rug sent us.
00:55 Let's see what's going on here.
00:56 - Okay, Ben, for this challenge,
00:58 you're gonna have five tries to shoot a basketball
01:00 into the hoop below.
01:01 You make a shot, you go down five feet.
01:03 But if you miss, you go up five feet.
01:05 - What?
01:06 - Good luck.
01:07 - Ben sucks at basketball, too.
01:08 - I know he does.
01:09 - Hey, today's the day I'm good at basketball,
01:10 'cause I'm gonna need it.
01:11 I cannot miss this.
01:12 I do get five tries, and all I need to make is just one.
01:14 Ah, (beep) here we go.
01:16 Three, two, one.
01:17 (buzzer)
01:19 - Oh!
01:20 - That was close!
01:21 (bell dings)
01:22 Please!
01:22 (buzzer)
01:23 Come on, come on!
01:24 - Oh, no!
01:25 - Don't make it, Ben!
01:26 (buzzer)
01:27 - Let's go, baby, let's go.
01:28 (buzzer)
01:29 - No!
01:30 - Ben, this is not our fault.
01:31 You literally missed all five shots,
01:33 so you know what that means.
01:34 - Boom!
01:35 Go, go, go!
01:36 - No, no.
01:38 - Press that thing harder.
01:38 - It's starting to get very, very shaky up here.
01:40 The higher this thing gets, the more wobbly it gets.
01:43 It's also windy.
01:43 Terrible timing.
01:44 - Since you're almost in the clouds,
01:45 I challenge you to make a paper airplane.
01:47 - What?
01:48 - But it must fly at least 100 feet.
01:51 - A paper airplane?
01:52 - You get to make three paper airplanes,
01:53 but just one of them has to cross the red line.
01:56 - Does he even know how to make a paper airplane?
01:57 - And it's really windy right now.
01:59 How is he gonna make it that far?
02:00 - Guys, I'm holding on for dear life.
02:01 Bring me down.
02:02 - All right, Ben, we got three of your papers here.
02:04 We're gonna toss it in this little bucket.
02:05 Hoist it up to you,
02:06 so you can make your bad paper airplanes.
02:08 - Three pieces of paper, really?
02:09 - Ben, you have to make it past this line
02:11 one time to go down.
02:12 - Just past the line.
02:13 That's all I think you need to do.
02:14 - Piece of paper number one.
02:15 I'm going for the simple approach.
02:16 Okay, go like this, open it up again.
02:18 Another one right here.
02:19 Fold it down the middle.
02:20 All right, that looks pretty good.
02:22 - Doesn't look good.
02:23 - It's looking like a kind of an ugly paper airplane,
02:25 but it seems confident.
02:27 - Three, two, one.
02:29 - Bro, that went backwards.
02:33 - No way.
02:34 Let's just forget that ever happened.
02:35 I'm gonna start making paper airplane number two.
02:38 Hopefully do a little bit better than that.
02:39 - Okay, he's taking a little bit of a different approach.
02:41 I see a little bit of a different shape.
02:43 This one maybe could make it over.
02:44 - Paper airplane number two.
02:46 It's looking a lot pointier.
02:47 - Is he kissing the plane?
02:49 - Three, two, one.
02:51 Oh, oh.
02:52 - Oh.
02:52 - Oh.
02:53 - It hit the red line and bounced back.
02:55 - If it would've went a little bit more over,
02:57 Ben would be going down.
02:58 - They didn't make any sort of rule.
03:00 They just said, "Here's your paper,
03:02 get it past the red line."
03:03 So I'm going for a paper UFO.
03:04 - Yo, what kind of plane is this guy making?
03:06 It looks like he's making a freaking rock.
03:08 - Y'all ever seen a paper UFO?
03:10 - Wow.
03:11 - Okay.
03:12 - Three, two, one.
03:13 - Oh.
03:15 - Bro.
03:16 - Dude.
03:17 - No.
03:18 - This guy technically cheated
03:19 and still didn't even make it across the line.
03:19 - Oh, here we go.
03:20 - Raise that bed.
03:22 - Hold on tight.
03:22 - Raise that bed.
03:23 - We're going up.
03:24 - Raise that bed.
03:25 - We're going up.
03:26 - Raise that bed.
03:27 - We're going up.
03:27 - Raise that bed.
03:29 - Challenge number three, let's see what Faze Rug says.
03:31 - For this next challenge, I want you to pick a player.
03:33 - Ooh.
03:34 - Hey Ben, you need to pick a player.
03:36 - Pick a player?
03:36 I'm gonna go with Jeremy.
03:38 - Woo.
03:39 - What?
03:39 - All right, let's find out what the challenge actually is.
03:40 - Now that you picked your player,
03:42 bring out the slip and slide soccer.
03:44 The boys will be playing slip and slide soccer.
03:46 First to three points wins.
03:47 If your player wins, you get lowered.
03:49 But if your player loses, you get raised.
03:52 Simple as that.
03:53 Good luck.
03:53 - First to three points in slip and slide soccer.
03:55 I need Jeremy to win if I want to go down.
03:57 - Three, two, one, go.
03:59 - Bro.
04:02 - Oh no.
04:03 - This guy just scored on his own goal.
04:07 - I'm so sorry, dude.
04:08 I didn't even mean to actually do that.
04:10 I slipped and I kicked at my own goal.
04:12 - Let's go Jeremy.
04:14 - Oh, they're both down.
04:18 - Yes.
04:19 - That's what I'm talking about, Jeremy.
04:21 - Come on.
04:22 - That hit Derrick's butt, bro.
04:24 - Let's go.
04:27 - Two to one.
04:28 All Jeremy needs is one more point and I'm going down.
04:31 - Oh, almost to the lake.
04:33 - Oh my God.
04:39 - Ow.
04:40 - As soon as I fell down, he scored.
04:44 - No.
04:45 - Two to two, baby.
04:46 - Derrick scored.
04:47 It's two to two.
04:48 Next point wins.
04:49 - Dude, that shot was crazy.
04:56 - Behind the back, baby.
04:57 - Wait, is that even legal?
04:58 I mean, to be honest, there's probably no rules
05:00 because we're literally playing in soap right now.
05:02 - Whatever just happened, Derrick got the point,
05:04 which means Jeremy loses, Derrick wins,
05:06 and I am going up once again.
05:08 Every single challenge has caused me to have to go up.
05:10 What is going on?
05:11 - Saw that?
05:12 What's his name?
05:14 Messi?
05:15 - Dude, nice trick shot you made right there, bro.
05:16 - Yeah, you're welcome.
05:17 - That was nice.
05:18 - Oh, dude, thank you, thank you.
05:19 - Jeremy lost that challenge
05:20 and all of a sudden he's happy about it.
05:21 - I am pretty mad that I lost, but hey,
05:23 that means Ben gets to go up even more.
05:25 - In three, two, one.
05:26 - He is going up.
05:29 He's going up there.
05:31 - Oh, crap.
05:33 - That was way more than five feet.
05:34 - That was like at least 15.
05:35 - Let's see what we got for the next challenge.
05:37 - All right, Ben, it's time for some fear pong,
05:39 but this time everyone's gonna participate.
05:41 Whatever cup your ball lands in, you do the punishment.
05:44 - Okay.
05:45 What?
05:46 - FaZe Rug, what is that for, man?
05:48 - Actually, wait, I don't know why I'm celebrating.
05:49 I'm still involved in this one,
05:51 but honestly, as long as I'm not the only one doing it,
05:53 I'm happy.
05:54 - Dude, I thought we were supposed to be,
05:55 you know, messing with Ben.
05:55 Why are we getting involved in this now?
05:57 - Let's bring in the fear pong.
05:58 - So I guess we have all three of our names on a ball
06:00 and whichever one goes in which basket,
06:02 that's a punishment that we have to do.
06:04 I didn't think FaZe Rug was gonna throw our names
06:06 in here like this, but.
06:07 - I guess we have to do it now.
06:08 All right, Ben, our balls are inbound.
06:10 Each time this is gonna take longer and longer
06:12 to get up to them because he just keeps on going higher.
06:14 - Bro, this is so high.
06:15 - All right, I have Derek, Jeremy, and I's balls up here.
06:18 Time to play some fear pong.
06:20 - We can't see the punishments until after the fact.
06:22 We don't even know what's in there.
06:23 - Here goes Jeremy.
06:24 - First try.
06:24 - I hope that one wasn't that bad
06:28 or I'm gonna block FaZe Rug.
06:29 - Derek's going next.
06:30 - Oh.
06:33 - Yes!
06:34 - Is it Ron James up there?
06:34 - Last but not least, my ball.
06:36 - What?
06:38 - Let's go!
06:39 - Bro.
06:40 - There's no way.
06:41 (laughing)
06:41 There's no way.
06:42 - Let's reveal all the punishments.
06:43 - I got a wedgie.
06:44 - And I got friggin' water balloon attack.
06:46 - Then you got wax football,
06:48 whatever that's supposed to mean.
06:50 - What?
06:50 - That one definitely sounds like the most payable.
06:52 All right, first things first,
06:53 Jeremy's in his underwear and we're tying him up.
06:55 - The fact that I get to wedgie him is amazing.
06:57 - This is the dumbest thing I think I've ever had to do.
06:59 - And I thought FaZe Rug was cool.
07:01 - He is cool, he thought of a really cool challenge.
07:03 - It's time to give Jeremy the biggest wedgie on planet Earth.
07:06 - All right, Jeremy, ready to feel the pain?
07:07 - No.
07:08 - When I pull this rope, it wedgies Jeremy.
07:10 Three, two, one.
07:12 - Oh, okay, okay.
07:14 - Ah, it's ripping.
07:15 - No, it's ripping.
07:16 - Woo!
07:16 - Ah!
07:17 - Stop, stop, stop.
07:18 - We're done, we're done.
07:19 Are you kidding me?
07:20 Hey, since you had such a great time
07:21 watching me get a wedgie,
07:22 we're gonna bring up all these water balloons up to Ben,
07:25 and he's gonna pour 'em down on you.
07:27 This is at least like 20 pounds
07:29 of straight water balloons in water.
07:31 - It's water balloon time, let's go.
07:33 - No!
07:33 Ah, my back!
07:35 Oh!
07:37 I don't like you, FaZe Rug!
07:38 Ah!
07:39 - Oh!
07:40 Keep on going!
07:41 - I don't like this!
07:42 Oh!
07:42 - No!
07:43 - Ah!
07:44 - Oh!
07:45 (water balloons popping)
07:46 - Oh!
07:47 (laughing)
07:48 - So it is now time for football wax.
07:50 What that means, we got a football here,
07:52 and a wax strip here.
07:53 He can put it on any body part of his choice,
07:55 and he has to throw this football as far as he can
07:57 so it rips this off.
07:58 - What?
07:59 - What do you mean what?
08:00 It's a punishment!
08:01 - Throw it up, I have no choice.
08:01 (balloon pops)
08:02 - Oh!
08:03 - Got the football, now it's time to put the wax strip on.
08:06 - Here's the field goal.
08:07 We're wide open!
08:08 - Got the ball, got the wax strip, just gotta throw it.
08:10 - Three, two, one.
08:11 Oh!
08:13 It didn't even rip it off!
08:15 - Did it work?
08:15 - I gotta rip it off myself now.
08:17 Oh no.
08:18 Three, two, one.
08:19 Oh!
08:20 (blowing raspberries)
08:21 That was so bad.
08:22 - Let's see what Rugs got cookin' for the next challenge.
08:24 - Better not be involved with me or Derek.
08:26 - Exactly.
08:27 - All right Ben, just to mess with you a little bit,
08:29 I'm gonna send a drone to fly around you for 10 minutes.
08:32 - Ooh!
08:33 - But if you somehow make it crash, I'll lower you.
08:35 - What?
08:36 - All right guys, we got the drone.
08:37 Time to annoy Ben.
08:38 - All I'm gonna do is make that thing crash,
08:40 and I'm going down.
08:40 - Watch out, Jamie.
08:41 - Here comes the drone.
08:42 You think it's gonna annoy me?
08:43 - Oh.
08:44 - I don't think it will.
08:45 - Don't be scared to get it.
08:46 Come on, come closer, come closer.
08:47 - Trying to grab the drone might cause me to fall off.
08:49 I gotta be careful.
08:50 - Come on, come closer, come closer, come closer!
08:52 - Ben, if you don't find out a way
08:53 on how to make that thing crash, you're going up.
08:55 So you gotta think outside the box.
08:57 - I have an idea.
08:58 Sacrificing my pillow.
09:00 - No!
09:01 Oh!
09:02 - I missed the pillow.
09:03 I'm sacrificing my blanket.
09:04 - There is no way he's tearing apart his bed right now
09:06 to hit this drone.
09:07 - I just took apart my bed to get this drone down.
09:09 - He's supposed to sleep up there.
09:10 What is he gonna do?
09:11 Sleep against the hard metal?
09:12 There's no way.
09:13 - All right, the drone is starting to kind of annoy me.
09:15 It's just buzzing in my ear all day long.
09:16 I'm not happy with this.
09:17 I gotta get this thing down.
09:19 - Oh!
09:20 - Bro, he just knocked the drone down.
09:23 - I crashed the drone, and I got to keep my blanket.
09:25 I didn't have to throw it.
09:26 - This is the first time Ben has ever gotten lowered
09:28 in this challenge since he hit the drone.
09:30 - Bring me down.
09:30 - Honestly, Ben, I'm proud of you.
09:31 You swatted the drone down, so you get to go down.
09:35 - This is lame.
09:36 So lame.
09:37 - I'm coming down.
09:38 - That's enough.
09:42 - We got down.
09:42 We're not down.
09:43 We're still very high, but not as high as we were.
09:45 - Let's see what Rug has next for Ben.
09:46 After all these challenges, I'm sure you're hungry.
09:48 - Wait, he's bringing up food?
09:50 - I'm gonna send up some food right now,
09:51 but you must blend it all together and drink it.
09:54 If you drink it, you get lowered.
09:55 If you refuse to drink it, you get raised.
09:57 - Oh!
09:58 - That is disgusting.
09:59 - I'm sorry in advance.
10:01 - What kind of food could be coming up here?
10:02 - Don't be excited because you have to blend up
10:04 all the food and then eat it.
10:05 - All I heard was someone's bringing me food.
10:07 - I saw the food.
10:08 It is not gonna be good all together.
10:09 - We got an assortment of food items here.
10:11 We got some Nesquik chocolate powder.
10:13 - Pretty good.
10:14 - Some whole pickles.
10:15 - Ew.
10:15 - Cherries.
10:16 - Don't know how I feel about that one.
10:17 - Wieners.
10:18 - Oh, I love wieners.
10:19 - And some mustard.
10:20 I have no idea what that's gonna taste like all together,
10:22 but I don't wanna know.
10:22 - And we got a blender right here.
10:24 Let's place that right in here.
10:25 - I'm really, really, really, really glad
10:27 I'm not Ben right now.
10:28 On up, the five course meal goes.
10:30 - Yes, sir.
10:32 - Blender right here.
10:33 (classical music)
10:36 - That's it, we're done.
10:40 - Oh my God.
10:41 - You have to take one huge sip and then you'll be good.
10:43 - I wanna go down so bad.
10:44 Three, two, one.
10:46 - That was not enough.
10:51 You're going up.
10:52 - Not big enough.
10:53 - I don't care.
10:54 I'm not drinking that.
10:55 I will be throwing up.
10:55 - Since Ben babyed out, he is going up.
10:58 - No, no, no, no, no, no.
10:58 - Up, up, up, get up, keep going.
11:00 - Yeah.
11:01 - Keep it going.
11:02 - Out, out, out.
11:03 - Come on.
11:04 - Dude, you're gonna break your butt.
11:05 - Come on.
11:05 - You're gonna break your butt.
11:06 - Keep going up.
11:07 Oh my God.
11:08 - He is almost at max level right now.
11:10 - Every movement I make, this thing sways so much.
11:13 I should have drank that smoothie.
11:14 - I'm starting to feel a little bit bad
11:15 because this is actually terrifying.
11:18 - We have massive two story houses around us right now
11:20 and he's taller than every single one of them.
11:22 Let's see what else Rug has in store.
11:25 - Since we've all been torturing you for the last few hours,
11:28 it's time to switch it up.
11:29 Your friends are gonna get to run for five seconds,
11:31 then freeze.
11:32 They cannot move and you get to throw dodge balls at them.
11:34 - The boys only get five steps
11:36 that I get to throw balls at them.
11:37 If I hit them, I go down five feet.
11:39 If I don't, I go up five feet.
11:40 - All right boys, three, two, one.
11:43 - I'm just gonna take a step.
11:46 - Here we go.
11:54 - Hey, I'm that confident he's not gonna be able to hit me.
11:55 That's why I did that.
11:56 - Yo, these guys got kind of far.
11:58 Look at this.
11:58 I have to throw all five of these balls,
12:00 try to hit these guys.
12:01 - Ain't gonna happen.
12:02 - Three, two, one.
12:03 - Why is he aiming for you?
12:13 - How did he just get me from up there, bro?
12:25 - That is a clean hit on Derek,
12:26 which means I'm going down five feet.
12:28 - Since he hit Derek in the face, he gets to go down.
12:32 - We are down, not that much, but we're down.
12:39 - All right, Ben, I know you're pretty high up right now,
12:41 but for this next challenge, you'll need to get even higher.
12:44 Bring in the trampoline.
12:45 - Hold up, did I just hear that right?
12:46 Did he say trampoline?
12:47 - Do your best flip and I'll be the judge
12:49 if you deserve to get lowered or raised.
12:51 - What?
12:52 - Dude, he has to do a flip on top of there.
12:54 - I have to do a flip up here?
12:55 - Ben, you can back out if you want to.
12:57 - They're bringing up a trampoline.
12:58 How is that even going to work?
12:59 Is the trampoline even going to fit up here?
13:00 And can I even do a flip when I'm this high in the sky?
13:03 This is going to be so, so dangerous.
13:05 So many people wish they had a trampoline.
13:07 I don't have a trampoline.
13:08 Yo.
13:10 - A trampoline up here?
13:11 - Such a bad idea, bro.
13:12 So he's got the trampoline fully up there.
13:14 I can't even believe that it actually fits.
13:16 I'm just going to go ahead and jump first.
13:18 Not going to flip yet.
13:19 I'm just going to jump.
13:20 Okay, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
13:22 I'm getting down.
13:23 I'm getting down.
13:24 I'm not down to do it.
13:25 I don't care.
13:25 It's not worth it.
13:26 Raise me up.
13:27 - Go, go, go.
13:28 - We're going up.
13:29 We're going up.
13:30 Yep, we're going up.
13:31 This is high.
13:31 I think this is the highest he's been in the entire challenge.
13:34 Holy (beep)
13:35 - Dude, he's actually maxed out this entire thing.
13:37 - Look at where we're at.
13:38 We are above the houses, above the trees,
13:40 above almost everything here.
13:41 - All right, Rug, give us another good one.
13:43 - All right, Ben.
13:44 I know you're a great skateboarder,
13:45 but I don't think you've done anything like this before.
13:47 You must land a kick flip all the way up on your bed.
13:51 - What?
13:51 - Good luck.
13:52 - Wow.
13:53 - Oh, guys.
13:54 I got the skateboard.
13:55 Ben has been skating ever since he's been a kid.
13:57 So this should honestly be the easiest one yet.
14:00 - You don't skateboard in your bed in the sky.
14:02 This is literally out of a movie.
14:03 - If he messes up,
14:04 he would literally be an egg hitting the ground.
14:06 - Essentially, he'd be toast.
14:07 - Dude, the thing is moving.
14:08 As soon as I freaking step down, it starts shaking.
14:10 When I kick flip, this thing could fall over.
14:12 - Kick flip in three, two, one.
14:15 Go.
14:16 - Oh, that counts.
14:20 - No way.
14:20 - No way he just did it that easy.
14:22 - That counts.
14:22 That counts.
14:23 - What?
14:24 - Get me out of here.
14:25 - Wait, does that mean he has to go down now?
14:27 - That's incredible.
14:28 - Bring me down right now.
14:29 Here we go.
14:31 (upbeat music)
14:32 Oh, we're coming down.
14:33 We're coming down.
14:34 All right, all right.
14:35 That's enough, that's enough.
14:36 Yes.
14:37 On to the next challenge.
14:38 - All right, Ben.
14:39 Now that the challenges are done,
14:40 you must stay overnight
14:41 and I cannot lower you until the morning.
14:43 Good luck.
14:44 - Wow.
14:45 - Hey.
14:46 - Yo, Ben, we got some news for you, bro.
14:48 - Wait, what happened?
14:49 What happened?
14:50 - You're gonna be up there for the entire night,
14:51 just like that.
14:52 And there are no more challenges left.
14:54 You're not gonna go any lower than how you are right now.
14:55 - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
14:57 Bye, Ben.
14:57 - We're outta here.
14:58 - Hey, come back.
14:59 Come back.
15:00 No, no, no, no.
15:01 Hey, Derek.
15:02 - Sorry, bro.
15:02 I called FaZe Rug and figured it out, man.
15:03 We're not involved in this anymore.
15:04 - Can't believe I'm staying here overnight.
15:05 - Good night, guys.
15:06 I hope I don't fall off the edge of this thing.
15:08 It's gonna be a long night.
15:08 Peace.
15:09 (dramatic music)
15:10 (sighs)
15:11 I made it to the morning.
15:13 Didn't fall off my bed.
15:14 We did it.
15:15 Let's go.
15:16 (upbeat music)
15:18 (upbeat music)
15:21 (upbeat music)