P90X P90X+ PX90 What the Heck Just Happened?

  • 15 years ago
http://www.betterbody90.com Here it is - Day 1 of P90X+ - I started the Lean Phase with Total Body Plus and I got my Butt handed to me. I don't care if your a P90X Grad or not, these moves are weird and refreshing. There is a lot of circuit style training where you do several things back to back. I will explain more and show you some examples in the video. P90X+ (Plus) is no Joke - It's a little different and faster paced than P90X (PX90) but you will learn to love it. If you like a challenge after P90X and you still want to do the X, I suggest the X+ so far anyway. Time to try them all! -Jason aka Betterbody90