This Fight Actually SCARED Me!!

  • last year
Yea I know most of my videos are more funny and light hearted. But I love so many stories and how they make us feel. I wanted to try and make a video a bit more like how I see it in my mind when I read comics.

I really wanna explore more with different types of scenes.
Thanks for the support all!!

You should follow my channel if you like character/story explainers and the odd comic art deep dive while I show you how to draw comics in different styles!
The channel runs off of fresh air and coffee. Help fuel the creativity with a cup of caffeine!
[Contact Me]
Instagram: @Comics_UNdone
Youtube: @comicsundone
-All comicbook imagery is owned by Marvel Comics
-All animations, sound effects, editing and voice over by SheldonVA
-Bimmy The Rabbit and this video is a product of UNdone
#mcu #marvelshorts #scary #fantasticfour #hulk #comicdub #cartoon #marvel #marvelcomics
