Tanam Farsooda Jaan Para || تنم فرسودہ جاں پارہ

  • last year
Tanam Farsooda Jaan Para’ is a very famous Persian naat [poem in the praise of the Prophetﷺ] by 15th Century great Islamic scholar and mystic poet, Maulana Abdur Rahman Jami. It is said that when Maulana Abdur Rahman Jami planned to go to Madina after performing Hajj in Makkah, that night the Governor of Makkah saw Prophet Mohammadﷺ in his dream and he told the Governor that ‘a man from Persia whose name was Jami was planning to go to Madina. The Governor should try and stop him and if he asks why then give him my message that if he recites the Nasheed [naat] he has in his pocket on my mausoleum, then I would have to break the rules of Shariah and take out my hand to shake hands with him. I will meet him in Persia. Tell him to read Darood Shareef 100 times and his Nasheed 11 times on Thursday and I will visit him in his dream.’ When Jami heard this from the Governor, he turned back to Persia and acted according to the directions given by the Prophetﷺ . As a reward, he was blessed with the Ziyarat [to see Prophet Mohammadﷺ in dream] all his life. That is why a fragrant smell emanated from his body on every Friday. This was due to the blessed Ziyarat of Prophet ﷺ. May Allah bless us too with the Ziyarat of Prophetﷺ. Ameen

Tanam Farsooda jaa para Ze Hijra, Ya Rasulallah
Dillam Paz Murda Aawara Ze Isyaa, Ya Rasulallah !

O Allah’s Messenger! My body has weakened and my soul has shattered due to separation!
O Allah’s Messenger! Due to my sins, my heart is numb and straying towards destruction!

Choon Soo’e Mun Guzar Aari Manne Miskeen Zanaa Daari
Fida-E-Naqsh-E-Nalainat Kunam Ja, Ya Rasulallah!

Were you to pass by me, the impoverished one, the hapless!
O Allah’s Messenger! I would sacrifice my life upon the print of your blessed sandals!

Ze Jaame Hubb To Mustam Ba Zanjeere To Dil Bustam
Nu’mi Goyam Ke Mun Bustum Sukun Daa, Ya Rasulallah!

I am entranced by the drink of your love, my heart is chained to you!
But, O Allah’s Messenger! I do not claim that I hold mastery to truly praise you!

Ze Kharda Khaish Hairaanam Siyaa Shud Roze Isyaanam
Pashemaanam, Pashemaanam, Pashemaanam, Ya Rasulallah !

My misdeeds have left me dazed, and due to my sins the days have darkened!
I am regretful, I am remorseful, O Allah’s Messenger! I am ashamed!

Choon Baazoo’e Shafaa’at Raa Khushaa’I Bar Gunaagara
Makun Mahruume Jaami Raa Daraa Aan, Ya Rasulallah !

When you extend your hands and spread them upon the sinners, for intercession!
O Allah’s Messenger! Do not deprive “Jaami” of it, on the day of Resurrection!
