Why Is It So Difficult To Return To The Moon If We Have Done It Before_
  • last year
The last time a human was on the Moon was in 1972. Since then, technology has taken giant steps, and more and more countries have developed their space program, but despite this, human beings have not returned to visit the Moon. What are the reasons?
Let's find out!
The main motivation
To find the reasons that led to the trip to the Moon, we have to go back to the end of the decade of, the 60s. After World War II, during the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union engaged in the Space Race, a stubborn struggle between the two powers whose ultimate goal was to place a citizen of the nation on the surface of the Moon. From this struggle, in which both nations intended to demonstrate their military and technological superiority over the adversary, the United States would emerge as the winner.