How to watch a partial solar eclipse

  • 2 years ago
As the sun begins to rise on Tuesday, the moon will wedge itself into Earth’s orbit and create a partial solar eclipse. The eclipse will be visible from Europe, northern Africa, the Middle East and Asia. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon blocks the sun either in part or in totality, as seen from Earth.The alignment between the moon and the sun is relatively rare. Because the moon’s orbit is slightly tilted, solar eclipses occur only when the moon crosses the plane of Earth’s orbit during a new moon. If you’re planning to watch the eclipse in person, there is one important thing to remember: Never look directly at the sun. Solar eclipses can be especially dangerous because the sudden changes in light do not give your eyes a chance to adapt. To view the show safely, you can either purchase a pair of special glasses that have solar filters or build a pinhole projector.
