#funnypoetry_ کالجاں سکولاں وچ وڑدا کورونا اے۔ آصف علی علوی کی مزاحیہ نظم

  • last year
Anwar Masood is an internationally renowned Pakistani Punjabi poet, renowned for his humorous and funny poetry. His works are celebrated for their unique use of everyday, commonplace phrases and wording, which are instantly relatable for the masses in the region. His world fame is attributed to this colloquial use of Punjabi and Urdu language, with many of his phrases and lines actually becoming a figure of speech in everyday conversations.

The most prominent feature of his expression is the poignancy buried deep under the humor, making his poetry one of its kind. His works bring out a nuance of tragedy, reflecting on social injustice, discrimination and personal misfortunes of his characters. This is why he himself commented: “Real laughter is one that sheds tears when squeezed”.

