Top 10 Classic Doctor Who Cliffhangers

  • 2 years ago
The ten best finishes to an episode featured in Doctor Who (from '63 - '89).

10. Battlefield Pt. 2
Time is of the essence, and Ace needs to be saved quickly as she stands trapped helplessly in a watery tomb. The Doctor tries to save her but is immediately incapacitated meaning the usual hero will not save the day this time. His cries of half-heartened reassurance die as he passes out, leaving Ace with no help or hope. The fear of drowning makes for a perfect cliffhanger, and it's also helped by the practical nature of the effect, actually seeing Ace be submerged really sells the fear and helps to suspend disbelief. The terror and desperation of it all make for a very bleak final image, well-realized and shot.

9. Deadly Assassin Pt. 2
Nobody does pain like Tom Baker. Inside the Matrix and submitted to any form of evil imaginable, the danger could come from anywhere. It's not just the shock of getting caught stuck on the train line, but the masked figures who silently watch on as it unfolds. His physical woes are suddenly overtaken by the realization of an oncoming train. Hearing the train moments before you see it is a nice touch and produces nightmare fuel for any kid that has ever wanted to play on the tracks.

8. Terror of the Vervoids Pt. 1
I think this one is helped by the overall tepid nature of the story leading up to this final scene. It's all very ho-hum, with seemingly low stakes not helped out by pantomime performances. Then all of a sudden, lightning, electricity, screaming, alien birth, and a guard lies dead. It's 0-100, and very effectively done to make the viewer jump up in surprise, and go 'what the hell was that?'.

7. The Invasion Pt. 6
The incredible visuals and grandness are what sell this. Iconic shots of the Cybermen emerging and marching through London, backed by a very memorable cyber sound.

6. An Unearthly Child
The show's 1st ever Cliffhanger. The Tardis takes off for the first time, kidnapping two reluctant teachers with it. The effect is considerable on all passengers, with the humans knocked out and the timelords visibly distressed as the ship passes through time. The effects on screen are dramatic but also strangely intriguing. When it lands, we see that they have traveled back in time quite a way, with a Caveman emerging into a view on a desolate landscape. If a cliffhanger's job is to make you want to watch next week, this does exactly that.

5. Tomb of the Cybermen Pt. 2
As with The Invasion, it's the epicness of these shots of the Cybermen which instills awe and fear simultaneously. We are shown the Cyber Controller for the first time, whose presence is immediately felt by how much reverence the other cybermen give him, as well as the Doctor. He crushes the hand of the scientist claiming to help them and makes no bones about wanting to convert all he sees into Cybermen.

4. The Mind Robber Part 1
The Tardis explodes. Gone. The Doctor and the companions are left floating in a black a