Turn Up National Tequila Day With TequilaSnobs
  • 3 years ago
Saturday, July 24th is National Tequila Day and the expert is here! Luann Lennox of TequilaSnobs is very passionate about Mexico’s favorite spirit. She has been orchestrating Tequila Tasting parties and corporate events for 8+ years. With the stay at home orders of 2020, she created Sipping in Place, virtual events connecting friends and family across state lines. Luann’s true love is conducting live events. She will walk through the growing, harvesting, baking and aging of Tequila, all while swirling, sniffing and sipping the Southwest’s favorite beverage. You will experience many different brands and types. Luann Lennox creates a one of a kind, exciting, tasting extravaganza! For more information visit TequilaSnobs.com.