John Barksdale: Where's your head at?

  • 3 years ago
Mind your Mind:
What does your internal dialogue sound like?
Are you paying attention to your thoughts?
Are you programming yourself with positivity reinforcing your creative imagination with empowering affirmations?
Are you aware of how powerful your mind is?
Do you realize that the thoughts you entertain today become the reality you have to maneuver tomorrow?
The difference between imagination and reality is the investment of human energy aka thoughts and faith.
If you are focusing on negative ideas or concepts that haunt your mind by worrying, or just letting your mind wander through what if’s you are expending your creative energy, investing your Faith into manifesting those horrible issues into reality.
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5)
We are made in the image of the creator…any thought that is not empowering you to be an ultimate supreme being is a dark side imagination that needs to be struck down and brought into submission.
You have to discipline your mind.
I like to use the analogy of being James Bond on the outside and the terminator on the inside because it basically embodies the exact actions necessary to maneuver a productive mindset.
You can’t let your emotions effect your anxiety level and you have to constantly be critically evaluating the content of your thoughts sniping all the self-sabotaging garbage that tries to sneak in.
Protect one of your most valuable assets! Your creative control center (mind) sets up what your heart will spend energy on creating; discipline your mind to guard your heart.
Remember James Bond Cool on the outside while being deliberate, disciplined and calculating like The Terminator on the inside
From JB With LOVE:)
