Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life Best Sellers Rank : #4
  • 3 years ago
Click Here : https://bbobmb.blogspot.com/?book=0143130722
Bring meaning and joy to all your days with this internationally bestselling guide to the Japanese concept of ikigai (pronounced ee-key-guy)�the happiness of always being busy�as revealed by the daily habits of the world�s longest-living people.What�s your ikigai?�Only staying active will make you want to live a hundred years.� �Japanese proverb According to the Japanese, everyone has an ikigai�a reason for living. And according to the residents of the Japanese village with the world�s longest-living people, finding it is the key to a happier and longer life. Having a strong sense of ikigai�the place where passion, mission, vocation, and profession intersect�means that each day is infused with meaning. It�s the reason we get up in the morning. It�s also the reason many Japanese never really retire (in fact there�s no word in Japanese that means retire in the sense it does in English): They remain active and work at what they enjoy, because they�ve found a real purpose in life�the happiness of always being busy. In researching this book, the authors interviewed the residents of the Japanese village with the highest percentage of 100-year-olds�one of the world�s Blue Zones. Ikigai reveals the secrets to their longevity and happiness: how they eat, how they move, how they work, how they foster collaboration and community, and�their best-kept secret�how they find the ikigai that brings satisfaction to their lives. And it provides practical tools to help you discover your own ikigai. Because who doesn�t want to find happiness in every day?