8 Questions to Consider Before Getting a Pet
  • 3 years ago
8 Questions to Consider, Before Getting a Pet.
Pet adoptions and sales soared in 2020
due to the pandemic.
Although people are spending more time
at home, it’s important to remember that
work, travel and social outings will resume. .
Here are eight questions you should ask
yourself before you decide to become a new pet owner.
1. Can I afford a pet?, Aside from initial adoption feeds,
you’ll also have to budget for veterinary
visits, food, training and supplies.
2. Do I have the time?, Having a pet requires lots
of time committed to training,
care, exercise and cleaning. .
3. Is my home pet-friendly?, Carefully consider whether
the pet would thrive in your
current living situation.
4. Am I mentally prepared?, Depending on what pet you’re getting, it could
be a commitment for the next decade or so. .
5. Is this the right type of animal/breed for me?, Choose a pet that is compatible with your lifestyle.
6. Do I have a good support system?, Even if you’re the primary caregiver,
it’s good to know that you have others
to assist when needed.
7. Am I being realistic about my
pet ownership expectations? , Educate yourself on the type
of pet you want, what costs
you can expect and if a
pet fits into your life. .
8. Am I ready to make sacrifices for my pet?, If your lifestyle is “not very” pet-friendly and you’re
not willing to make changes, don’t get a pet.