The new scramble for Africa
  • 3 years ago
Recently, Pope Francis accepted the resignation of Robert Sarah, a conservative cardinal from the African country of Guinea. Sarah often criticized Pope Francis for his antichristian positions on homosexuality and Islam. In this way, Cardinal Sarah is representative of African Christianity. According to a 2018 Pew Research Center study, Christians in sub-Saharan Africa are highly committed to the faith. This commitment could be a problem in the next few years because pagan Europe is going to try to reconquer Africa.

With tribal conflicts, the lack of nuclear weapons and an abundance of natural resources, African countries are prime targets for foreign powers. China has a military base in Djibouti and infrastructure projects all over the continent. Russia has deployed its military to the Central African Republic. France still has a substantial military presence in West Africa and many African countries are part of the UK-led Commonwealth of Nations.

Back in the late 1800s, the Scramble for Africa took place. European countries divided up Africa. Nearly the entire continent was under European control. These days, the combination of raw materials, corrupt governments and security issues has made Africa as vulnerable as ever to foreign armies. For now, countries are content to invest and send a few soldiers to help cooperative governments. It’s just the beginning.

The United States is done policing the world and giving everyone unrestricted access to its market. In search of resources and secure supply chains, a new Scramble for Africa is coming. It won’t be pretty. Eventually, even the Antichrist gets involved, conquering several African countries. Pray that our African brothers put on the full armor of God, so that they can withstand the enemy, give it their all and stand firm, overcomers in Christ.