ZOM-2-VP™: obstruction lights ZOM-2-VP, aviation obstacle lights ZOM-2-VP, warning beacon ZOM-2-VP. Shipping to anywhere in the world. www.obstructionlights.biz

  • 3 года назад
The low intensity obstruction light ZOM-2-VP is a modification of the aviation omnidirectional view signal-light device combining the innovative research developments of our engineers with the vandal-proof body light equipment. This device has proved to be a reliable solution with excellent performance.

The model was presented on the market in 2015. The LED obstruction lights module was developed using long-term production experience of our engineers and business case studies of the best national experts in the field of lighting engineering, construction and electrical engineering.

This model combines the innovative trends in the light-signal equipment field and modern shockproof obstruction light body. The specific and unique feature of this model is that it emits the light signal vertically, whereby the rated emitted signal intensity values are compliant respectively of the horizon. Quality control at all production and supply stages enables to prevent any claims.