Reddit Airs 5-Second Super Bowl Ad Celebrating WallStreetBets

  • 3 years ago
Reddit Airs 5-Second Super Bowl Ad Celebrating WallStreetBets.
The company spent its “entire marketing
budget on five seconds of airtime” on
its first ever Super Bowl ad.
I am really proud of what we were able to achieve with just five seconds .., Chief marketing officer
Roxy Young, via CNN.
... and think it beautifully captures the heart of Reddit in our unique and brilliantly absurd tone. , Chief marketing officer
Roxy Young, via CNN.
The ad celebrates the r/WallStreetBets subreddit that bought up GameStop stock and caused hedge funds to lose upwards of $70 billion on short positions.
The short squeeze also resulted in
a tenfold increase in new users on
Reddit from January 24th to 30th