(August 6, 1999) WLNY-TV New York 55 Riverhead, N.Y. Commercials

  • 3 years ago
Here are some commercials that aired during the 8pm primetime movie presentation of An Occasional Hell:

1. Intro
2. News 55 at Live at 11:00pm promo
3. Nationwide Mattress and Furniture Warehouse
4. Sleepy's: The Mattress Professionals
5. Quick Dissolve Maalox
6. Tilex Fresh Shower Bathroom Cleaner
7. One-A-Day
8. ThermaSilk Heat Activated Shampoo
9. Advil Liqui-Gels
10. All Fresh Rain Laundry Detergent
11. Ball Park Franks Hot Dogs (Michael Jordan)
12. Viactiv Soft Calcium Chews
13. Seaman's Kids Furniture
14. Parker Tours
15. New York 55's Primetime Movie 'An Occasional Hell' will continue
16. WLIR 92.7 FM Sponsor
17. Sand Castle
18. MetaboLife
19. Room Plus Furniture
20. (same as #2 & #13)
21. Friendly's
22. Centrum
23. Neosporin
24. Salon Selectives
25. Brita Water Filter
26. The Money Store
27. Desitin Creamy
28. Desenex Foot Powder
29. Trident Advantage with Baking Soda Sugarless Gum
30. Oldsmobile Silhouette Premiere/Blockbuster Video Gift Card
31. (same as #15)
32. (same as #4, sponsor & commercial)
33. Hofstra University's Countdown to The Millenium
34. New York 55's Primetime Movies promo
35. WLNY-TV New York 55 Riverhead Station ID (1999)
36. (same as #15 & #13)
37. Six Flags Great Adventure
38. Clairol Herbal Essences (Goddammit!!)
39. I can't Believe it's Not Butter!
40. Zantac 75
41. Clorox FreshCare Fabric Refresher Spray
42. Unisom SleepGels
43. (same as #26)
44. Preparation-H Cooling Gel
45. (same as #7, #2, #19, #4 & #3)
46. Nestle Carnation Instant Breakfast
47. (same as #28, #9 & #8)
48. Saturn Automobiles
49. (same as #23)
50. Sara Lee Cheesecake Bites
51. Dove Nutrium Body Wash
52. Hidden Valley Ranch
53. (same as #22, #15, #32 )
54. Last few seconds of end credits
55. ACI/Pearson Television (1996)
