8 steps to a healthier person

  • 4 years ago
Take Your First Step Toward A Healthy Lifestyle!
healthy lifestyle
Healthy choices are smart choices
Living a long and healthy life feeling good is what we all want most, and there are many things we can do to increase our chances of having them all. The benefits and effects of exercise - both physically and mentally - have been proven. You are never too young, too old or too out of shape to start exercising.

Exercise helps people at all stages of life. Physical activity benefits you regardless of your age, gender, or current fitness level. Benefits of regular exercise include:

Advanced health indicators
The efficiency of your heart and lungs increases
Your muscle strength increases
Your cholesterol levels drop
Your blood pressure drops
Your risk of getting sick is reduced in the face of important diseases such as diabetes and heart diseases.
You lose a healthy weight
A reinforced sense of well-being
Your mental sensitivity increases
You have more energy
Your sleep quality improves
Your ability to cope with stress improves
Your blood pressure drops
To further improve your general fitness, healthcare professionals, including experts from the Surgeon General Hospital of the United States, recommend doing at least 30 minutes of partially intense physical activity every day or most days of the week. Examples of light physical activity you can do include brisk walking, cycling, swimming, or doing home repairs or gardening. If you are unable to do any of these activities for a full 30 minutes, then set your goals for shorter periods - at least 10 minutes - and complete those short duration activities in half an hour during the day.

It is obvious that planned exercise programs will bring more benefits, but the vast majority of people can become more fit simply by changing their daily lifestyle and including more activities in their lives. The muscles that will be exercised during any activity like this at any time of the day will contribute more to your total fitness and health. Do not ignore the effects of the following small changes in your daily life on your health and mind.

Instead of using the elevator or standing on the escalator, climb the stairs.
Park your car at the farthest point in the parking lot and walk towards your business or shopping center.
If you are taking the bus, get off a few stops before the stop you will get off and walk the remaining road.
Once in a while, get up and walk from your daytime desk to stretch yourself and walk around a little.
When you want a snack, go for a brisk walk.
Increase your speed while working in your home or garden.
Cut your own lawn and collect any fallen leaves yourself.
Carry your shopping bags yourself.
Play together with your children or grandchildren outside. It doesn't matter whether it's hide and seek, dodgeball or blindfold, just keep moving.
When you're ready for a more energetic activity, set yourself realistic goals and expectations. Exercising and maintaining a healthy lifestyle
