Daniel Passarella partido contra el Cruzeiro por la final de la supercopa 1991

  • hace 4 años
Bs. As .: Report to River Plate coach, Daniel Passarella where he talks about the physical condition of the squad before the match against Cruzeiro from Brazil for the first leg of the South American Super Cup. Then the journalist asks: - Any special strategy to confront the Brazilians? -Any personal mark on who? Report on footballer Sergio Berti: - Did you see the clearest possibility of a goal against Boca later on television and what did you think? -The issue now is Cruzeiro, how do you think River has to face this Brazilian team? -Are they very tired? -Is it the super cup final, is it your first super cup final? (Claudio Perez)
Date: 11/11/1991
Duration: 2 minutes 5 seconds
Code: UG-2857

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