How to Start Out in the Music Industry (Easy and Effective) WITHOUT any Prior Music Marketing Knowledge

  • 4 years ago
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Did you know that 90% of musicians in the world are completely undiscovered? Chances are, at the moment, you are one of those musical artists. you could be a rapper, a singer, a producer, or anything else of the type and you want success in the music industry. It isn’t easy, to say the least. You work really hard on your music and you expect listeners to start pouring when you distribute it to streaming services but when you do, you are disappointed with the results. It seems whatever you do, you can’t catch on the Spotify or Apple Music algorithm and get a wave of new listeners. You look around at other people who seem to magically get all these fans out of nowhere and wonder how they do it.
See, you could have written the best song in the world but if you don’t take the proper steps nobody will hear your music. Well I have put together this short video to show you three steps that will help you get those listeners. With the proper application of these three steps, you will see an influx of new listeners and fans. With that being said, lets jump in. Also, make sure you watch till the end because I’ve got a very special offer for you.
