The American Pageant: A History of the American People Best Sellers Rank : #1
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The American Pageant, written by the late Thomas A. Bailey, is an American high school history textbook often used for AP US History courses. Since his death in 1983, it's been updated by historians David M. Kennedy & Lizabeth Cohen.PrefacesAcknowledgmentsNew World beginningsThe completion of English colonizationThe duel for North America Colonial life on the eve of revoltThe road to revolution America secedes from the empireThe confederation & the ConstitutionLaunching the new ship of state Federalists & foreign frictionThe triumph of Jeffersonian democracyMadison & the second war for independenceThe post-war upsurge of nationalism, 1815-24The emergence of Jacksonian democracy Jacksonian democracy at flood tide Manifest Destiny in the forties The revolution in industry & transportation, 1790-1860Population, religion & education, 1790-1860Social reform & cultural gains, 1790-1860 The South & the slavery controversy Renewing the sectional struggle, 1848-54Drifting toward disunion, 1854-61 The war for Southern independenceBehind the lines: North & SouthThe ordeal of reconstruction Grantism & Republican rule, 1869-80Personalities, politics & reform, 1880-89Transportation, industry & labor, 1865-1900New social & cultural horizons, 1865-1900 The great West & the agricultural revolution, 1865-90The revolt of the debtor, 1889-1900 The path of empire America on the world stage, 1899-1909 Theodore Roosevelt & the Square DealTaft & the Progressive revolt Woodrow Wilson & the new freedomThe road to World War I The War to End War, 1917-18Making & breaking the peaceHarding & the mirage of normalcyCalvin Coolidge & the Jazz Age Hoover & the onset of the Depression Franklin D. Roosevelt & the New Deal Franklin D. Roosevelt & foreign affairsAmerica in World War II Truman & the Cold War Korea & the challenge to the WestThe end of the Eisenhower era New frontiersmen on the PotomacWidening horizonsAppendicesIndex