Austin Healey Rental Cars Only in Las Vegas, Nevada

  • 15 years ago
This car was a legend in its time and still is. This car, the Austin Healey is a British make, sports car. This legend is now only available for rent as it is no longer in production, The last Austin Healey was produced in 1972 and never has been re-produced since then. The company that produced this vehicle started in 1952. It was started by Lord Leonard who was a part of one of the divisions of BMC known as Austin Division. BMC stands for British Motor Corporation.
Three models of Austin Healey were built in the period 1954 to 1972. All models built between 1953 – 1958 and were called or named the Austin Healey ‘hundred’. The ‘100’ version was because of the reason that during that era, there were only very few cars that could reach and maintain velocity of around 100mph. Sometimes reaching speeds of 160mph.
Moving onto the next set of models, the Austin Healey’s were called as AH 3000 or Austin Healey 3000 and at the same time was to be named as ‘Mille Miglia’ in accordance to the world renowned race of sport cars. But Austin Healey 3000 was selected in the end. The period was from 1958 to 1967. The name 3000 followed because of the fact that the engine had a volume of 3000cc. The final model was called as Sprite which was built in a same period. It had alternate names, example: Spridgets, Bugeye or Frogeye.
In spite of the lifetime span being short, it sure did make its existence a very prominent one, more like a mark in the famous culture of the United Kingdom and other countries. There were many movies where the Austin Healey was made of use, it was made of use in The Transformers movie that was released in 2007 and even in an old movie called as ‘Father of the Bride’. This movie was acted by Steve Martin. He drove the Austin Healey.