Ranger's journey
Exploring the new worldwide.
camera: Lumix G80
lens: Leica 8-18 2.8/4, Lumix 45-175 4/5.6
Stock Footage b-roll by Sasha Poberailo.
You can find this and more footages on my
Pond5 https://www.pond5.com/artist/poberailo#1/2063
Adobe Stock https://stock.adobe.com/contributor/206354709/Poberailo
camera: Lumix G80
lens: Leica 8-18 2.8/4, Lumix 45-175 4/5.6
Stock Footage b-roll by Sasha Poberailo.
You can find this and more footages on my
Pond5 https://www.pond5.com/artist/poberailo#1/2063
Adobe Stock https://stock.adobe.com/contributor/206354709/Poberailo