Thermometry Physics Class 11

  • 4 years ago
Thermometry Physics Class 11

Principles of Thermometry

Any property of a material which changes with temperature can be used to indicate or measure temperature. For example, the expansion of solids, liquids and gases are all used to make thermometers. Other examples are:
an electrical resistance thermometer, in which the resistance of a length of wire changes with temperature;
a thermocouple thermometer, in which junctions between two wires of different metals generate a voltage when the junctions are at a different temperature;
a pyrometer in which high temperatures are judged by comparing the colour of a hot object with a reference colour scale.

The type of thermometer which is chosen for a particular application will be decided by some of the following points:

Does the thermometer work over the range of temperatures required?

Is the thermometer sensitive enough (Can it detect small enough changes of temperature)

How quickly does the thermometer respond?

How small, portable and convenient is the thermometer?

Can the thermometer give continuous reading and be connected to an electrically operated chart-recorder or warning device.
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