UK police searching for walker dressed as 17th century plague doctor
  • 4 years ago
UK police are looking for a walker dressed as a 17th Century plague doctor during the coronavirus lockdown.

According to local media, people in Norwich have spotted the mystery person dressed in a long black cloak, hat, and pointed beak-like mask.

The filmer, Jade Gosbell told Newsflare: "I just couldn’t believe it. It was 20 degrees and some guy was just walking around head to toe in a huge black plague doctor costume with a mask covering his face. I just thought it was ridiculous as he must have been so hot, so just be getting some sort of kick out of it?

"It’s caused a bit of a debate in where I live as people think we should just leave him be and let him have his fun however he’s also scaring people.

"My mum has a phobia of masks and it makes me angry thinking about what if she bumped into him in the street? She'd be petrified!"

This strange footage was captured on April 24.