10 Genuinely Effective Ways To Keep Frogs Away

  • 4 years ago
To Read 18 Genuinely Effective Ways To Keep Frogs Away. Visit https://pestremovalwarrior.com/frogs

1. Get Rid Of Stagnant Water:
This is the number one reason for why you see to many frogs in your area. Frogs are amphibians so they definitely love water and stagnant water is their favourite.

2. Remove Their Food Sources:
Frog eats insects if you have large amount of insect in your area then chances are there can be many frogs especially during monsoon season. Frogs come to feed on this insects. They come from different regions and will stay there if they get their food regularly. So, its very important to get rid of the food sources.

3. Stop External Lighting:
External lighting attracts insects that in turn attracts frogs so, if you want to stop frogs in the first place this is a very necessary step that you can do. Any sort of external lighting can attract different kinds of insects and that is like party for frogs many frogs will come to feed on them. Hanging light or any other light sources that you can possibly imagine will attract insects. If you have a frog infestation in your house or in your garden then this step becomes absolutely necessary to stop frog infestation.

4. Make A Mesh Fence:
You can do mesh fencing but do remember to buy fencing mesh with the tiniest holes as frogs can get through big holes easily and that will stop frogs from entering your perimeter near your garden or house. So, if you have outdoor lighting around your garden or house then doing mesh fencing few meters away from the outdoor lights will stop frogs from crossing that area.

5. Get Rid Of Cluster:
Cluster can be one of the reason for frogs infestation. If you got lot amount of cluster in your house then chances are frogs are hiding among those cluster. So, get rid of any unnecessary cluster from your house. Remove fallen leaves, papers, boxes anything that are not used and can be a hiding spot to stop frog from hiding.

6. Get Rid Of Shrubs And Weeds:
Frogs can hide behind tall shrubs and weeds especially during monsoon season because they are wet and store water frogs love to stay over there. Both land and water is available. Cutting them will automatically reveal most of the frogs and they will run away from that area as they are timid creatures. Without those shrubs and weeds there wouldn't be any hiding spot for them.

7. Peppermint Spray:
Peppermint spray is a very strong and it can be used get rid of frogs easily. The strong peppermint spray will create irritation and burning sensation on frog's skin and I will keep them away.

8. Hot Water:
Hot water works really well to keep frogs away. Obviously they can’t tolerate the heat and starts running away immediately.

9. Chase Them Away:
If you see a frogs just start chasing after them and they will run away from that area immediately. You have to do the job by yourself and have to do it multiple times.

10. Use Your Pet:
