How Can I Start Affiliate Marketing in TikTok?

  • 4 years ago
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Hey, today I'm going to answer the question how can I start affiliate marketing on TikTok. TikTok really is an amazing platform that I have doubled down on.

I should be doing a whole lot more on TikTok, but I like to diversify and touch many platforms, I also have more fun and I don't like relying on just 1 platform.

Some people think you need the perfect lighting or perfect videos or perfect YouTube thumbnails to start. All this is insecurity. My TikTok videos suck, they suck bad. A sucky video is way, way better than no video.

I highly encourage you to put it out there even if it sucks.

In fact all you have to do is create 1 minute videos around your niche and keep changing the hashtags for traffic. You really don't even need to mess with other platforms. I've gotten good results from TikTok.

How I use TikTok is I will create a video around a question someone in my niche is asking. Then in the video I will physically write my domain name. At the end I will tell people to go to my domain name.

The 1 negative about TikTok is there is no way to make a clickable link in your profile or discription. There are 2 ways to bypass this filter. The first way is to purchase a domain name that passes the radio test.

This means you can spell it if you hear it. Domains don't cost that much I pay a little over $8 per domain a year, plus hosting at around $10 a month.

What is great about a domain name is you can also use it for podcasting and it's your space on the internet, you own it. Nobody can take it from you and it's your brand.

Another idea is TikTok allows you to include a YouTube channel or Instagram account and link it. Youtube does allow a clickable link and Instagram can be more strict.

You could create a YouTube channel and stick your like to grow your list in your videos. Then create a shorter verstion of the video and just stick it on TikTok and tell people at the end to check out your YouTube channel.

TikTok will show your YouTube channel in your profile. Keep making videos for your target audience and that is free traffic. I look at TikTok videos is free commercials you can make. How cool is that right?

Hope this helps, do you know of any other ways to use TikTok for affiliate marketing? Please, share in the comments. Also or you on TikTok let me know how to find you and I will go to your channel and try to help it as much as I can or your YouTube channel if you have one.

Lastly, the most important part of affiliate marketing is how you promote offers to your list and what you do promote.

There is only 1 guy I recommend to learn how to do this because he is very good and he really helped me. If you want to know who this person is, just click on the link below or go to Bye for now.