What are Some of the Reasons why Someone Would Fail at Affiliate Marketing

  • 4 years ago
Hello, today I want to answer the question what are some of the reasons why someone would fail at Affiliate Marketing.

The number 1 way to fail is to quit of course. Why do people quit things, usually it's lack of patience. Maybe someone feels like they are not making enough progress.

Robert Green wrote an interesting book a while ago called “Mastery” when you learn something, like a skill the path doesn't lead straight up, but it goes up and then the line goes straight then it goes up again then straight.

Patience is by far a great skill to have. There is a difference between patience and delusion.

Of course the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. I remember when I got started in affiliate marketing I worked with a bunch of people where we would put affiliate links at the bottom of Ezine articles.

It actually worked 10 years ago, but it's a very difficult way to do affiliate marketing. Then I joined Chris Farrells membership program and learned from him.

He was all about the list and building the list. I guess, I was just openminded to trying to learn easier ways to make money.

My income did increase with using a list, but I still wasn't making the type of money I really wanted. I did not know what to do with the list I created. I was still doing everything all wrong.

Then I started experimenting with traffic sources like YouTube. I got tons and tons of traffic. Some people feel that lack of traffic is the number 1 source of failure in affiliate marketing.

Even if you get tons of traffic and you don't know what to do with it you will not make money. Traffic is a small part, but it's not everything.

I honestly feel the number 1 reason people fail is they don't know what to do with the list that they have. This really is where all the money is at. You also have to promote the right kind of programs.

If I had to start affiliate marketing all over again this is the first area I would focus on. I would find the best person who knows how do this and either use him or learn from him.

Only after the sales funnel is complete would I move on to traffic. Traffic is all about taking action. Not taking action is another big reason people fail. Maybe they want everything to be perfect.

Perfection is tied to your ego. It's all about speed, put out content as quickly as you can, be as helpful as you can to your target audience.

To summarize everything the top reason someone would fail is they quit. Another big reason someone can fail is not getting the right help.
Being humble enough to ask for help is big. Usually the person who asks the most questions is the smartest person in the room because he is humble enough to ask the questions.

It also should be targeted help. The more targeted the better. Almost like seeing a specialist as a doctor right? If you have stomach problems find a doctor who just studies the stomach.

The third biggest reason someone would fail is not taking action.