Corvette 60th Anniversary Review

  • 4 years ago
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Corvette s complete story, from 1953 to today, comes alive in a fascinating ride through automotive history! More than 1,000 photographs, insightful analysis, detailed specifications, and rare advertising art help tell the tale. No car s history is more stimulating, and it s all right here, in Corvette: 60th Anniversary. Dive into the engines and the advertising, the road tests and the engineering behind the world s best high-performance value. Get the inside story in exclusive interviews with towering figures in the annals of not only Corvette, but of the auto industry: Harley Earl, William "Bill" Mitchell, Zora Arkus-Duntov, and Chuck Jordan, among others. A half-century of thrills is coming boldly to life, and anyone who has ever admired a Corvette plays a part.
