Mad World - The Cycle of Violence

  • 4 years ago
BIG CONTENT WARNING: Violence, sexual assault, fascists, murder, crime scenes

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.I feel like everyone's knee jerk reaction to Toxic Masculinity is to think it's all about violence, sexual assault, and bullying, but really I feel like the way we talk about this only scratches the surface. So, in this video, I'm diving deep into where these things come from using stories from my own life, and maybe through this, we can come to an understanding of how to do something about this.

Stick around for the credits, A) you'll get to hear me sing and B) there are a lot of people who helped this video get made from behind the scenes.

Also, if you liked the audio quality, that's what I got from having the audio professionally recorded in a studio. Obviously, this means that this video cost me quite a bit to make. If you'd like to see me keep up this quality, consider supporting me on Patreon!

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Some of the sources for this video:
