Get what ever you want for free like Xbox 360 elite !! PS3!!

  • 15 years ago
1. Go to the website by clicking on this link: 2. Now at the bottom right side of the page put in your email address and check the check box. Then, hit the button that says sign me up. 3. Now fill out all of the information on the page and make sure it's your real information! Then, hit the continue button. 4. You should be on the page that requires you to choose from a points account or a referrals account. MAKE SURE YOU PICK THE REFFERALS ACCOUNT!! 5. Your account should now be created and you should arrive at the offers page. Scroll through the offers and choose stamps. It's a 4 week free trial. Or you may choose a different offer that you may want more. 6. Click on continue, then continue with this offer. Now fill out all the information on the right side of the page and hit get free postage. Now fill out your credit card information. 7. Once you have filled out everything download and install the program to your computer. 8. This is very important!!! In order to gain credit for the offer you must keep the trial for a minimum of 21 days. That means during the third week of the trial you can cancel it so you won't have to pay any money. :) 9. Now that that's done you can start getting people to refer you. Also you can go to your rewards tab to change your reward at any time. The referrals account only allows one reward! ***NOTE*** If you think this is a scam then you are very wrong! This site is very legit! It was even reported on the news! Here's the link if you want to watch the news report on the site: Also I recommend asking family and friends to sign up to help you get the amount of referrals you need. Well I hope you liked this video and good luck with getting your XBOX 360 ELITE!
