From Now On | Animatic

  • 4 years ago
[Originally published to my YouTube channel December 14, 2018]

First of all, thank you to those that let me add them into the video. Originally it was supposed to have about 15 people but some never got back with me so it was narrowed down to 10. You guys are amazing and just message me wherever and I'll let you know who you are if you aren't able to tell (hence the color coding -- I know my doodles can get really sloppy).

What's The Story -- Yeah, lol, this isn't based on The Greatest Showman. I am using the song (under Fair Use) to help tell my own story. This is the third and final part of a series I was creating. I had planned for there to be roughly 6 or 7 songs/animatics in total, creating a more dynamic and fleshed out storyline, but I thought instead I'd wrap it up here so that if I decide in the future to make any more animatics I can do so on a clean slate if I choose.

The first part can be found here:

The second part can be found here:

Basically, the story was going to be about my little whale character (I really like whales, okay...) and how he was going to turn from evil to good. I decided to focus on the people instead because not only did I promise to include 10 of my friends in this video, but because I felt if I were to complete this story, I should be able to do it how I intended or not at all. So this is where the story ends for now. :) Who knows, maybe I'll come back to it in the future.


This one is loooong overdue, so I apologize to those I drew in here who have been waiting.

The song used in this video is From Now On from The Greatest Showman soundtrack. I do not own the song.