Cat put in solitary after masterminding mass feline breakout

  • 5 years ago
#FreeQuilty #QuiltyNotGuilty #NoMoreDoors

HOUSTON, TEXAS — A six-year old cat named Quilty was sentenced to solitary confinement at an animal shelter, according to CNN.

According to Friends for Life shelter, the cat's alleged crime was helping his oppressed feline brethren to escape the shelter.

Shelter staff said that the firebrand was accused of inciting mutiny among the aged internees of the senior cat room and orchestrating mass escape on multiple occasions.

Worse for his human jailors, Quilty is something of a feline Houdini.

According to staff, Quilty would jump then pull on the door handle to open the door, allowing 14 other cats to escape.

Quilty was nicknamed "Door Ninja" for his prowess at escape and also "Spicy A-hole."

The liberated cats would roam the facility until they were caught and surveillance footage later identified Quilty as the culprit.