betel nut benefits and side effects complete research || Nuturemite English

  • 5 years ago
Betel-nut is also known as areca nut or paan. Betel nut is a stimulant drug, which means it speeds up the messages travelling between the brain and the body.Betel nuts are traditionally wrapped in leaves with a limestone paste and chewed, much like tobacco and these nuts are also used in a similar manner as caffeine. They have a sweet and spicy taste. The nut is a mild stimulant, which causes a sense of alertness, and is used in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine for purifying treatments
The top benefits of betel nut include its impact on alertness, energy levels, euphoria, salivation, and stamina.
Boost Appetite
Chewing betel nut is used to stimulate appetite and increase saliva flow for digestion.
Increase Energy Levels
Betel nut is used as a stimulant for increasing alertness and stamina and giving the user a sense of well-being and euphoria. It has also been used as a stimulant for libido and to alleviate symptoms of excessive heat.
Eye Care
Betel nut is known for treating eye disorders like glaucoma
Detoxify the Body
Betel-nut is used as a treatment to remove parasites and kill is often used as a detoxifier. Betel-nut is also used to treat bad breath and prevent phlegm and has the ability to stimulate gastrointestinal activity, helping with flatulence or constipation. . It is often chewed before travelling to prevent nausea.
Stroke Recovery
It help stroke victims recover by helping improve speech, bladder function, and strength.
Treats Schizophrenia
Betel nut is also known to treat the symptoms of schizophrenia, though this does come with some side effects.
Oral Health
Betel nut helps to prevent dry-mouth. It have antibacterial qualities, which have led the extracts to be used as an ingredient in oral healthcare products. It is thought to help keep gums and teeth strong, and prevent cavities.

Balancing the Blood
Betel nut boost iron levels thus, treating anemia. It also controls diabetes as they regulate blood glucose levels and lower high blood pressure.
Mood and Anxiety
Betel nuts are also used to treat depression by decreasing cortisol levels, which is known for increasing stress.
Uses of betelnut
Betel nut is commonly used as a mouth-freshner.
Tannins in arecanut were being used for dyeing clothes and ropes and also used for tanning leather. It can be used as an adhesive in plyboard manufacture. Another possible use of areca tannins is as a safe food coloring agent.
How to buy and store betelnut
If they are fresh. best to keep them like that and use them soon. If dry, don't worry about it and store them in a jar willy-nilly, nothing can hurt a dried betel nut
Safety profile
Side effects of consuming betel nut can be
● Mild euphoria and feelings of wellbeing
● Feeling alert
● Fast heart rate and palpitations
● High blood pressure
● Red face and feeling warm
● Sweating
Eating betel leaves for the first time and taking it after a long time can show some side effects

● Tremors
● Dizziness
● Upset stomach, diarrhoea,
