[Read] The Ultimate Sales Letter: Attract New Customers, Boost Your Sales For Full

  • 5 years ago
[Read] A powerful sales letter is the ultimate marketing tool for all types of business owners, sales reps, and advertising professionals. However, most sales letters end up getting tossed in the junk mail pile. The Ultimate Sales Letter, 3rd Edition shows you how to write letters that get read, generate leads, and make money.Coverage includes: The twelve best headline formulas Strategies for building a customer base Sales letters for Web sites and online use This guide teaches you a step-by-step system for writing sales letters any business can use-designed by the most successful and highly paid professional direct-response copywriter in the country. Author Biography:Dan S. Kennedy is president of Kennedy's Inner Circle, and has been writing sales letters for over twenty for both large and small businesses. He is a popular speaker on marketing and sales issues. His popular newsletter, The No B.S. Marketing Letter, reaches thousands of people in the U.S. and Canada while his Web site www.dankennedy.com receives over 10,000 dedicated visitors a month. For Full