how to Viral video vs how to building an audience On Youtube

  • 5 years ago
- Okay, before we completely jump into all the glorious tips and tricks I have stored away for you,

there's one more thing we should go over. One thing that you really have to ask yourself before

you make a video is, what is your goal with the video? Are you trying to make a viral video or are

you trying to make a video that will help build a consistent audience for your channel?

Because, believe it or not, there's a big difference, so let's start off by defining what the difference

is between a viral video and an audience building one. Viral videos are often either shocking,

surprising, impressive, weird, funny, or a combination of any of these factors.

They're bottle videos, meaning, they don't require the viewers to have any knowledge

or viewership of any of your other videos in order to watch it. They're also often pretty short in

length, averaging around four minutes.

It's because of this that they are extremely shareable, and they are so outrageous, you just can't '

help but show them to your friends, your coworkers,and even your dog.

Oh, my God, look at this video of this dog. And because they are so short, they can be quickly

viewed pretty much anywhere. This makes them spread, just like a virus, from person to person

as they share the video with each other. The amazing pros of a viral video is,

of course, the view count. You might find yourself with a video that suddenly spikes to a million or

even more views. But the downside of this content is that it doesn't do much

to build a strong audience. Most viewers who watch viral videos aren't sticking around

to watch the other videos on the same YouTube channel.

In fact, most might not even know the name of the channel that posted the video,

they just know the name of the video.

On top of that, there's not a huge conversion rate

from viral video views to subscribers.

Check out this example.

Despite this video having over 15 million views,

only around 8,000 of those viewers converted to subscribers.

That's a conversion rate of 0.05%.

Not even a full 1% subscribed.

So, that's what a viral video is and its pros and cons.

Now let's talk about what I'm going

to call audience building videos.

Audience building videos are videos

that aren't necessarily trying to get a lot of views,

but rather, include elements that try

to focus on connecting and communicating with viewers.

This helps viewers feel like

they aren't just a passive viewer,

but rather, a part of a community

where they are encouraged to participate.

You could do this by asking your viewers

to suggest other topics for future videos.

You could have them ask a question

you can answer in your next video,

or you could even engage with them in a poll

to find out what they prefer.

Alright, let's see which you prefer,

apple slices or peanut butter.

Oh, one for peanut butter, alright.

These videos don't really have a specific set length,

but are most likely longer than four min.
