7 Ways Your Body Language Turns People Off
  • 5 years ago
7 Ways Your Body Language Turns People Off You may not have noticed it before, but these
7 body language habits can make you seem mean
and unapproachable. 1. Flashing a smile may register as disingenuine to others, which comes off as unfriendly. 2. Intense eye contact can appear
intimidating and aggressive. 3. Crossed arms sends the message that you are emotionally closed off and unwilling to engage. 4. Slouching or hunching can imply disinterest with the subject. 5. Leaning in too closely can give the impression that you're overbearing. 6. Turning away from the other person can
imply standoffishness. 7. Puffing your chest up shows that you're not relaxed and potentially ready for a fight.