ELLE Beauty School: GILES. Babyhairs. How to make babyhairs pretty and pull off dark lipstick

  • 5 years ago
Welcome to brand new ELLE Beauty School,

We want to teach you everything we know about beauty with these real, honest beauty vlogs from Beauty Director Sophie Beresiner and her team, guest presenters including Lou Teasdale, Lisa Eldridge and Adam Reed, as well as beauty trend tutorials, ELLE cover star get the look videos, how to recreate big fashion campaign hair and makeup, and everything else right down to the basics of perfect skin, foolproof eyeliner and the ultimate blowdry. Sign up to ELLE Beauty School, everyone is welcome, lessons commence now.

AW 2015 Trends

The 'Giles' Trend #TutoriELLE

Watch ELLE's Natalie Lukaitis recreate the AW2015 Giles catwalk look, then give it a go yourself and tweet us your pictures.

To find out exactly what we used go to ELLEUK.com/Beauty

Filmed using the Panasonic HC-VX870 - http://www.panasonic.com/uk/consumer/cameras-camcorders/camcorders/hd-camcorders/hc-vx870.html
