How to maintain your fishing rod?
  • 5 years ago
To catch fishes quickly and efficiently, one not only needs high-quality equipment but also they need to maintain it. Clean the Guides Guides get used and abused a lot, and over time stuff builds on it that can damage the line, so for durability, it's better to clean the guide with water or black soap. However, be careful not to let the water settle on the insides as it can cause rust and malfunction the equipment. The Handle For the maintenance of the handle, it is recommended to use the Teflon lubricant, which is also the preferred product by the cyclists. Before the season of fishing begins, make sure to check the handle and the guide, the way that they are connected! The Guide Rings Check for the rust on the guide rings and the reel seat - where the reel attaches. If rust exists, replace the guide rings, Sand rust of the reel seat with fine sandpaper and repaint.