NewsX Exclusive : Aruna Roy upset over minimum wages issue

  • 5 years ago
NewsX: Rights activist Aruna Roy has resigned from the Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council. The resignation is based on the failure of the Government to accept the council's recommendations on minimum wages to workers under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme.
This is the second time Aruna Roy has quit since the creation of NAC.

In UPA's first term, too, Aruna Roy quit the NAC in 2006, over the Government moving away from the common minimum programme. The activist's anger is owing to Prime Minister approaching the Karnataka High Court against against NAC's recommendations on payment of minimum wages.

Worst is, the government had refused to pay the minimum wages even after the Supreme court refusing to stay the Karnataka High Court judgement.
Aruna Roy expressing her anger in a letter to NAC chairperson has also wondered as to how a country like India can deny the payment of minimum wages and still make claims of inclusive growth.

Aruna Roy wrote a scathing letter to NAC Chairperson sonia gandhi criticising the failure to implement government schemes that would benefit the public.

The letter raises issues of implementation of the govt's flagship MGNREGA.saying that a huge percentage of MNGREGA beneficiaries are losing space to a powerful minority.

The letter also criticises the fact that govt chose to ignore the NAC recommendations on Minimum wages and also lashed out at the Parliament's dismal record at passing legislations & pointed out that the Parliament should have debated and passed the Food Bill by now.
