Bollywood biggies attend Mukti Bhavan screening | Randeep Hooda, Kiran Rao, Patralekhaa,

  • 5 years ago
Randeep Hooda, Kiran Rao, Patralekhaa, Adil Hussain, Atul Kulkarni, Tisca Chopra and many others Bollywood personalities attend the special screening of Mukti Bhavan hosted by MAMI in Mumbai. The film is directed and written by Shubhashish Bhutiani and produced by Sanjay Bhutiani and Sajida Sharma. Mukti Bhavan is Shubhashish Bhutiani's first feature film after he his debut with a short film like Kush. The film stars Adil Hussain, Lalit Behl, Geetanjali Kulkarni and Palomi Ghosh in the lead character. Mukti Bhavan had it world premiere at the 73rd Venice International Film Festival 2016 where it received The UNESCO award along with 10 minutes standing Ovation. Mukti Bhavan has travelling the International film festivals globally. Must watch!

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