Salman Khan Banned His Hero Stars Sooraj Pancholi And Athiya Shetty To Date?

  • 5 years ago
Salman Khan is normally playful and notorious when he is on the sets as an actor. But we hear that he turns quite strict when he puts his producer hat on. Word is that before his second production venture Hero had started, he made his leading newcomers, Athiya Shetty and Sooraj Pancholi sign a no-dating clause. The makers of the film did not want any friction between the two young actors and so asked them not to get personally involved with each other off camera. Sources also say that Athiya's parents weren't keen on her having a relationship with Sooraj so early in her career due to the latter's history with Jiah Khan. Although the newbies seem to have honored the wishes of both their parents and their producer but there were strong rumours suggesting that the debut stars had cozied up to each other. We wonder if the two will still be close to each other after the release of the film.

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