Salman Khan Trying To Postpone Sultan For Shah Rukh Khan's Raees

  • 5 years ago
The major movie clash between Salman Khan's Sultan and Shah Rukh Khan's Raees on Eid 2016 is big news. While both of them have joked about this in the media, it is said that there may be a change of plans here. Rumour is that Salman has been talking to the makers of Sultan to postpone the release date of their film and go for a Diwali release. He wants his foe turned friend SRK's movie to have his signature Eid slot next year. A spokesperson from YRF denies these talks and says Sultan is on schedule but sources say that the Bajrangi Bhaijaan actor is still trying to push his movie. The gesture by Salman may be sweet, but we wonder if the actor is just paranoid of clashing with SRK as their past 2006 clash of Jaaneman and Don resulted in the Dabangg Khan's failure.

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