Sunny Leone Misses Hubby Daniel Weber's Bollywood Launch

  • 5 years ago
Ever since Sunny Leone has entered Bollywood, her darling hubby Daniel Weber has always been on her side. Whether it is on sets, at events or parties, the couple practically seemed to live in each others pockets. Recently Daniel celebrated the launch of his debut in the industry with the movie Dangerous Husn and news was that Sunny would be there to support his big moment. But the media got a shock when Sunny did not turn up at the event at all. We have seen that Daniel has always been present at all the promotions and press interviews of not only the upcoming Leela but all her previous films and therefore everyone expected Sunny to support Daniel too. But Sunny deflated everyone's expectations when she didn't consider it important to be with Daniel during his launchpad in Bollywood. Well, we wonder if Sunny was actually busy or she didn't turn up to steal her husband's thunder.

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