Actress Sonam Kapoor Recovering Well From Swine Flu, Said Father Anil Kapoor

  • 5 years ago
Bollywood's evergreen actor Anil Kapoor might be seen at various events but he has a heart of a loving and caring father. While speaking to the media recently, Anil was asked questions about the health of his daughter, Sonam Kapoor, who is recuperating from the Swine Flu epidemic. Anil, being the concerned dad he is, said that the actress was recovering speedily but he spent the entire night in the hospital with his little girl. Sonam was diagnosed positive for the H1N1 virus when she was shooting for Prem Ratan Dhan Payo with Salman Khan in Rajkot. Last month, Sonam was admitted in the hospital for dizzyness and exhaustion but was released 2 days later. Anil says that hopefully this time Sonam should be back at home within 10-12 days.

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