Trump Says Turkey's Erdogan Will Eradicate 'Whatever Is Left Of ISIS In Syria'

  • 5 years ago
President Trump on Sunday said he’s been assured by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that ISIS will be fully defeated in Syria.

President Trump on Sunday said he's been assured by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that ISIS will be fully defeated in Syria.  "President @RT_Erdogan of Turkey has very strongly informed me that he will eradicate whatever is left of ISIS in Syria....and he is a man who can do it plus, Turkey is right 'next door.' Our troops are coming home!" Trump tweeted.   Hours prior, he wrote in another tweet: "I just had a long and productive call with President @RT_Erdogan of Turkey. We discussed ISIS, our mutual involvement in Syria, & the slow & highly coordinated pullout of U.S. troops from the area. After many years they are coming home. We also discussed heavily expanded Trade."  According to CNN, Trump and Erdogan discussed the withdrawal of US troops in Syria on December 14.   "Erdogan was explaining all the problems with the US presence in Iraq and Syria and was irritating Trump, according to a senior administration official who received a detailed readout of the phone call between both presidents," CNN noted.
Trump is said to have hold Erdogan, "OK, it's all yours. We are done."
Trump's decision has sparked widespread criticism, even from Republicans who have defended him in the past.
"Withdrawal of this small American force in Syria would be a huge Obama-like mistake," Senator Lindsey Graham tweeted. "With all due respect, ISIS is not defeated in Syria, Iraq, and after just returning from visiting there -- certainly not Afghanistan."