Baby care and feeding - Breast milk is easier for baby to digest than formula - Mom and baby tutorial videos: 4

  • 6 tahun yang lalu
Here are some benefits to consider as you weigh the options for feeding your baby.

Benefits for Babies

• Nutrition: A baby’s brain doubles in the first year of life; help build that brain by giving it the best nutrition possible. Nutrients in breast milk such as taurine, an amino acid, and DHA, a fatty acid, support brain growth. Breastfeeding supports your baby in reaching his or her full intellectual potential.

• Defense against illness: Helpful antibodies are passed from mom to baby via breast milk, giving the baby greater resistance to common childhood illnesses including colds, strep throat and gastrointestinal problems.

Formula-fed babies are three times more likely to have ear infections compared to breastfed infants because formula may back up into the baby’s eustachian tubes and middle ear when a baby is bottle-fed.

When a baby suckles milk at mom’s breast, the eustachian tubes close and fluid doesn't flow back into the inner ear. Additionally, research shows that breastfed babies have fewer allergies than formula-fed babies and are less likely to develop asthma and diabetes.

• Better digestion: Breast milk is easier for baby to digest than formula, so he or she will experience less diarrhea or constipation. And studies have shown that breastfed babies are less likely to battle excess weight later in childhood.
