How Adorable Dog Stands Nearby To Care The Baby While He Fall Asleep
  • 6 năm trước
Being entrusted to take care of the little master, the puppy was very excited. It is located at the bedside, watching the master sleep is not good, is not startled, if the master wake up distorted, pups are responsible to run away to inform the owner.
Was your first baby a fur-baby? Many dogs accept a new baby without any problems. However, some don’t and some will need a lot of help adjusting to the presence of an infant
Prepare your beloved dog months in advance. Assess, ultra-socialize, train and desensitize before you bring your baby home. Encourage independence and slowly transition primary care-taking duties of your pup to your partner if helpful. Visit your veterinarian to get a wellness exam for your spayed or neutered dog
Personality profile. Assess your dog’s behavior toward infants, toddlers, strangers, as well as reactions to novel items, smells and situations. What’s your dog’s history? Does your dog have small-animal predatory tendencies, guarding behaviors, startle phobia or fear responses? If so, call a professional canine behavioral consultant for an assessment.
Address training and behavior issues before the baby arrives. Obedience requirements are: sit, down, stay, come, leave it, and calm leash-walking. Practice using voice-alone instructions with your dog. Train out the behaviors you don’t want. Private, distraction-free training and practice in your home can provide the best results. Don’t play aggressive games with your dog
Habituate and desensitize your dog to new baby sounds, gadgets, smells, and various baby routines by role-playing activities such as diaper changing and stroller walks with a doll. Dogs love routines. Check out Preparing Fido, a CD of crying, grunting, bathing, and giggling baby sounds by the Humane Society of the United States. Everything associated with the baby should become the new normal. You don’t want your dog to be surprised or anxious about having a baby join the family.
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