Buzz Aldrin Slams 'First Man' For Not Including American Flag Scene
  • 6 years ago
Buzz Aldrin Slams 'First Man' For Not Including American Flag Scene Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon, criticized the film 'First Man' for not portraying the American flag being planted on the moon. The 88-year-old tweeted an image of the famed moment with the hashtag "proud to be an American." The tweet may have been a dig at director Damian Chazelle, who portrayed Buzz as "a swaggering hothead." Chazelle also made the decision not to include the American flag scene. Ryan Gosling, who plays Neil Armstrong, said the decision was made because the space-faring mission "transcended countries and borders." Even Marco Rubio weighed in. Marco Rubio, via Twitter