Michelle Wolf Explains Why Now Is The Time For Women In Comedy

  • 6 years ago
Michelle Wolf thinks the time is now for women in comedy.

“It’s a great time for women to just share everything in their point of view,” explained the star of “The Break With Michelle Wolf.” “It’s nice to be in an environment where people maybe want to listen to us. But I think it’s more about women gaining the confidence to actually go up there and say what they want to say — hopefully with a bunch of punchlines.”

When asked if women comics are held to a different standard than their male counterparts, Wolf jests that women “are just as gross and weird” as men.

“It’s up to us to defy what they think our standards are and redefine out won stereotypes,” she explained. “I always find that in comedy, if you’re funny they’ll respect you no matter who you are. I’m also coming from a place that I know there are plenty of women before me that had to pave the path that I’m on now and had it much harder than I did.”

Wolf says that the more experience you gain, the more you’re able to step out of your comfort zone. According to her, the worse that can happen is that people won’t laugh, so women shouldn’t be afraid to make their voices heard. Although Wolf's Netflix show was recently canceled, we're sure she's got a bright future ahead and will continue making us laugh.

This video, "Michelle Wolf Explains Why Now Is The Time For Women In Comedy", first appeared on
