Popular Birthing the Elephant: The Woman s Go-for-it! Guide to Overcoming the Big Challenges of

  • 6 years ago
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Customized for the female entrepreneur s unique psychological experience of launching a business, BIRTHING THE ELEPHANT goes beyond logistics to prepare women for the emotional challenges they will face, with expert advice on reshaping one s business identity, giving up the paycheck mentality, anticipating problems, and avoiding costly mistakes. This supportive handbook gives the small-business owner the staying power to survive and succeed in the business of her dreams.A female entrepreneur s guide to navigating the psychological aspects of launching and building a business during the critical first 18 months. Women-owned businesses are increasing at twice the rate of other startups, with 500,000 launches each year. With a foreword by cosmetics guru Bobbi Brown.ReviewsRead all about it on: http: //news.shelf-awareness/nview.jsp?appid=411&j=535397#2499225-Shelf Awareness..".emerging entrepreneurs will find advice that s worth the price of the book alone."-Booklist"This positive and practical guide for the first-time entrepreneur details the life cycle of a small-business launch with real-life stories and a slew of helpful hints and strategies."-Publishers Weekly PW and AARP s Roundup of Spring Books for Baby Boomers 4/15/08It s main segment on the page this week "Cash Flow: Subbing Brains fro Cash" featuring a contributor to the book and Karin plus, if you click on "small business: view all videos," you can see Karin s sole interview from the week before: "Cash Flow: 4 Spending Mistakes"-SmartMoney TV"With the number of women-owned businesses growing in the U.S. at the rate of one every 60 sconds-roughly 600,000 launches a year, according to the authors-the audience for this positive, cheerful, practical book should be substantial."-Publishers Weekly
